RCC Structure MCQs | Civil Engineering MCQs for RCC Structure

RCC Structure MCQs | Civil Engineering MCQs for RCC Structure

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Which is the weakest concrete mix?

ANSWER = [D] 1:5:10

The correct answer for Which is the weakest concrete mix is 1:5:10.

A lower modular ratio shows

ANSWER= [A] Higher compressive strength of concrete

The correct answer for A lower modular ratio shows the Higher compressive strength of concrete.

In limit state design, the limiting depth of neutral axis for Fe-250 for beam having effective depth ā€˜dā€™ is ______.

ANSWER= [C] 0.53 d
The coorect answer for In limit state design, the limiting depth of neutral axis for Fe-250 for beam having effective depth ā€˜dā€™ is 0.53 d.

Which of the following excavator is most suitable for digging under water?

ANSWER= [A] Drag line
Drag line excavator is most suitable for digging under water.

In a composite construction

ANSWER= [A] Interface slipping is prevented by using the shear connector
In a composite construction is Interface slipping is prevented by using a shear connector.


  1. Shear connectors are utilized in composite structures to enable the combined action of the concrete slab and the steel profile. The shear connector was developed by Leonhardt to improve the fatigue strength of a Venezuelan composite bridge.
  2. The shear connector is made from a rectangular steel plate, with holes, welded to the steel beam top flange. Interface slipping is prevented by using shear connector.
  3. Shrinkage occurs when excess water evaporates out of the hardened concrete reducing the volume of concrete. By using same grade of concrete differential shrinkage cannot be avoided.
  4. Assuming that there is no temporary propping, the steel part of a composite cross-section must alone resist self-weight and other construction loads as the concrete at that stage is ineffective. So Precast member is not always designed to carry the weight of in-situ concrete without props.

The items given in options pertain to different aspects or functionalities of track design in railway engineering. Select the INCORRECT combination.

ANSWER= [D] Pusher gradient: Rising gradient which is followed by a falling gradient and along which the train climbs easily due to momentum gained by then over the falling gradient.

Function of Ballast

  1. It held the sleepers in position & prevent longitudinal and Lateral movements due to Dynamic loads.
  2. It gives some elasticity to track and provides Good drainage.
  3. Good Ballast should absorb minimum water.

In pusher gradient, a pusher or helper engine is used. For B.G. Track of Western Ghats pusher gradient is 1:37. Generally used in hilly areas

  • In India, the minimum gradient provided on the station yards to drain out water is 1:400 to 1:1000.
  • The momentum gradient is steeper than the ruling gradient & comes only after a falling gradient.

Marshalling yard

  • It is considered as “the heart that pumps the flow of commencing along the track & main function of marshaling yard are reception, sorting & (departure) reforming into designation wise of goods trains. It may be a flat yard, hump yard, or gravitational yard.
  • A flat yard is used when limited land is available on plains.
  • Nowadays practice is to use Hump yards because shunting operations are done more quickly than flat/Gravitational yards.

Civil Experience
Author Aakash Dudhat

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