Structural Analysis MCQs | Civil Engineering MCQs for Structural Analysis

Structural Analysis MCQs | Civil Engineering MCQs for Structural Analysis

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The rectangular cross-section of a metal rod has a dimension of 40 × 70 cm. 98000 N weight is applied on a metal rod. What is the stress produced in N/mm2?

ANSWER= [D] 0.35
The correct answers fot The rectangular cross-section of a metal rod having dimension of 40 × 70 cm. 98000 N weight is applied on metal rod. What is the stress produced in N/mm2 is 0.35

For the limit state of collapse, as per IS 456: 2000, the partial safety factor for concrete is ______.

ANSWER= [B] 1.5

The correct answer for For limit state of collapse, as per IS 456: 2000, the partial safety factor for concrete is 1.5.

Similar Question

  • What is the partial safety factor for concrete as per IS code 456:2000

Which of the following statement is correct regarding the working stress method:

  1. The factor of safety is applied to stress values only
  2. The actual stresses developed due to the actual working load
  3. The design usually results in relatively small sections of the structural members

ANSWER= [A] I and II

The lighter sections of structural members subjected to transverse loading are called

ANSWER= [B] Joists
The lighter sections of structural members subjected to transverse loading is called Joists.

Which type of rollers are suitable for compaction of clayey soil?

ANSWER= [B] Sheep foot rollers
Sheep foot rollers type of rollers are suitable for compaction of clayey soil.

What is the bulk modulus for steel in N/m2?

ANSWER= [A] 160 × 109
160 × 109 is the bulk modulus for steel in N/m2.

If the diameter of a bolt is 20 mm, then the maximum number of bolt(s) that can be accommodated in one row in a 140 mm wide flat section is (are):

ANSWER = [B] 2
If the diameter of a bolt is 20 mm, then the maximum number of bolt(s) that can be accommodated in one row in a 140 mm wide flat section is (are) 2.

According to IS: 800-1962, the coefficient of expansion of steel per degree centigrade per unit length, is taken as :

ANSWER= [B] 0.000012
According to IS: 800-1962, the coefficient of expansion of steel per degree centigrade per unit length, is taken as : 0.000012

Also ReadStructural Steel its Type with Advantages & Disadvantages

Which of the following is NOT the method of tensioning steel?

ANSWER= [D] Physical
Physical is NOT the method tensioning steel.

A punch of 20 mm diameter is used to punch a hole in an 8 mm thick plate. If the force required to create a hole is 110 kN, the average shear stress in the plate will be near.

ANSWER= [C] 220mpa

A punch of 20 mm diameter is used to punch a hole in 8 mm thick plate. If the force required to create a hole is 110 kN, the average shear stress in the plate will be nearly 220mpa.

Detailed Explanation

Diameter of punch (d) = 20 mm

Thickness of plate (f) = 8 mm

Panching force = Shear regijin force

110 × 10^3 = ? (π × d × t)

(110 × 10^3)/(π × d × t) = ?

? = (110 × 10^3)/(π × 20 × 8)

? = 220 mpa

Maximum carbon content in high strength deform bars should not be more than

ANSWER= [C] 0.30%

Maximum carbon content in high strength deform bars should not be more than 0.30%.

Effective thickness of a fillet weld is _____

ANSWER= [A] A function of the angle between fusion faces

Effective thickness of a fillet weld is a function of the angle between fusion faces.

Maximum bending moment in a beam occurs where _____

ANSWER= [D] Shear force changes sign

Maximum bending moment in a beam occurs at Shear force changes sign

The stiffness of a helical spring is expressed as _____

ANSWER = [B] Load per unit deflection

The stiffness of a helical spring is expressed as Load per unit deflection

The moment of inertia of a circular disc of radius R and Mass M about its diameter is _____

ANSWER = [C] MR2/4

The moment of inertia of a circular disc of radius R and Mass M about its diameter is MR2/4

Civil Experience
Author Aakash Dudhat

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