[Download] GTU Exam Papers of Advanced Surveying | Advanced Surveying GTU Exam Papers | 2140601 Exam Paper PDF GTU

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Download Gujarat Technological University GTU BE/BTech exam paper (Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Technology) SUMMER 2015 4th semester (2nd-year gtu paper download) 2140601 Papers New Advanced Surveying Previous Question Paper.

Advanced Surveying GTU Paper

    Download GTU Exam Papers of Advanced Surveying

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    List of All Advanced Surveying Past Exam Papers


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    List of Advanced Surveying (2140601) Exam Papers Years Date Wise
    Advanced Surveying Exam Papers GTU – 01/06/2015
    2140601 GTU BE Exam Paper GTU – 30/12/2015
    2140601 Exam Paper PDF Download – 03/06/2016
    GTU Advanced Surveying Exam Papers PDF – 22/11/2016
    2140601 PDF Exam Paper – 06/06/2017
    PDF Advanced Surveying Past Year Papers – 24/05/2018
    2140601 Papers – 05/12/2018
    GTU Exam Papers Download – 17/05/2019
    Advanced Surveying Exam Papers GTU – 13/12/2019
    Advanced Surveying Exam Papers GTU – 27/10/2020
    Advanced Surveying Exam Papers GTU – 17/02/2021

    Advanced Surveying (2140601) Exam Papers Subject Info

    Subject Name Advanced Surveying
    Advanced Surveying Subject Code 2140601
    Subject Credits 5
    Year 2nd year Subject
    Download Gtu Exam Papers Of Advanced Surveying | Advanced Surveying Gtu Exam Papers | 2140601 Exam Paper Pdf Gtu

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    Advanced Surveying (2140601 Papers) Exam Paper



    Subject Code: 2140601

    Subject Name: Advanced Surveying

    Date: 01/06/2015

    Instructions for Advanced Surveying 2nd year GTU exam paper:

    1. Attempt all questions.
    2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
    3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

    If you want to read the answer to any question then click on the given link on the question text so that you get detailed answers from the Civil Experience civil engineering blog.

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    Exam Questions for Advanced Surveying Marks
    Q1 a Explain field work in tacheometry. 07
    b Explain relief displacement on a vertical photograph and derive necessary equation 07
    Q2 a The followings are the details of tacheometric reading were obtained on a staff vertically held calculate PQ and RL of Q Take M=100 and D=0

    Image Civil Experience
    b Explain methods of correlates
    Explain equation of time
    Q3 a Find most probable value of angles A, B and C of triangle ABC from following values
    A = 52 0 24’ 30”
    B =640 06’20”
    C =630 30’ 02”
    b Explain Total station giving its uses and different functions 07


    Q3 a Describe components of remote sensing 07
    b Explain global positioning system 07
    Q4 a What is theory of least square ? Describe 07
    b Derive equation for V and H in tacheometry when staff held vertically in fixed hair method 07


    Q4 a Explain parallax bar 07
    b Explain global positioning system 07
    Q5 a Explain functions of GIS 07
    b Describe Uses principles and figures of triangulations 07


    Q5 a Describe laws of weights. 07
    b Describe Flight planning. 07

    Download Advanced Surveying Past Year Paper PDF

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    Here, On CivilExperiences.com You don't need to remember your GTU B.E. 2140601 Papers Advanced Surveying (BCE) subject code.

    FAQ 1: What is Advanced Surveying Subject Code?

    2140601 is Advanced Surveying Subject Code.

    FAQ 2: How much is the Advanced Surveying Subject Credit?


    FAQ 3: In which college year and semester do we learn Advance Surveying subjects?

    2nd year Subject in 4th semester

    Civil Experience
    Author Aakash Dudhat

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