Top 5 Civil Engineering Books for Beginner Learning

What is Civil Engineering?

Civil engineering is everything you see that’s been built around us.

It’s about roads and railways, schools, offices, hospitals, water and power supply, and much more. The kinds of things we take for granted but would find life very hard to live without.

Top 5 Civil Engineering Books For Beginner Learning
Top 5 Civil Engineering Books for Beginner Learning

What do civil engineers do?

Civil engineers design, create, and connect up the world around us. They help make our villages, towns, and cities work for the people best as well as the luxury that lifestyle live there with better comfort. 

Combining their theoretical and practical knowledge of engineering, these highly specialized experts have to master the planning, budgeting, management, and analysis of projects large and small.

Source: ICE, UCAS

Top 5 Civil Engineering Books for Beginner Learning

#5 Mechanics of Materials by James M.Gere

Key features of Mechanics of Materials by James M.Gere

  • Main Key Topics: Basic Engineering of Structures.
  • Content Summary:
    • Torsion, 
    • Analysis of Stress and Strain, 
    • Stresses/Deflections in Beams, 
    • Columns, 
    • Statically indeterminate Beams…
Mechanics Of Materials By James M.gere

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This Mechanics of Materials book by James M. Gere is the best ideal for 1st-year civil engineering university students

In this book, almost all topic covers the analysis and design of structural members subjected to tension, compression, torsion, and bending, including the fundamental concepts of structural engineering.

Specialized topics also include such as dynamic loading, thermal effects, non-prismatic members, beams of two materials, shear centers, pressure vessels, statically indeterminate beams many others.

Numerous examples are present throughout the book which trigger understanding in order to illustrate the theoretical concepts and show how those concepts may be used in practical situations.

#4 Mechanics of Fluids by Bernard Massey

Key features of the Mechanics of Fluids book

  • Main Key Topics: Fundamental Knowledge of Fluid Mechanics.
  • Content Summary:
    • Viscosity, 
    • Bernoulli’s equation, 
    • Fluids in Motion, 
    • Flow with a Free Surface, 
    • Laminar Flow, 
    • The Momentum Equation…
Mechanics Of Fluids By Bernard Massey

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“Mechanics of Fluids is a book for engineers rather than mathematicians”

This Mechanics of Fluids book introduces the basic principles of fluid mechanics in a detailed concept and clear manner for easy understanding.

This bestselling Mechanics of Fluids textbook provides the sound physical understanding of fluid flow that is essential for an honors degree course in civil or mechanical engineering as well as courses in aeronautical and chemical engineering.

Focusing on the engineering applications of fluid flow, rather than mathematical techniques so that students are gradually introduced to the subject step by step, with the concept moving from the simple to the complex, and from the familiar to the unfamiliar. SI units are used throughout and there are many worked examples.

Also Read: Top 5 Civil Engineering Books for Beginner Learning

#3 Soil Mechanics by Graham Barnes

Key features for Soil Mechanics book by Graham Barnes

Soil Mechanics By Graham Barnes

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  • Main Topics: Fundamental Knowledge of Soil Mechanics
  • Content Summary:
    • Soil Formation and Nature, 
    • Permeability and seepage, 
    • Pile foundations, 
    • Earthworks and soil compaction, 
    • Site investigation

This popular Soil Mechanics textbook provides students with a clear easy understanding of the nature of the soil and soil behavior, offering an insight into the application of principles to engineering solutions.

It provides the basic principles of the subject and illustrates how, why and with what limitations these principles can be applied in practice.

This book is intended to support the main courses for undergraduate civil and ground engineering students.

#2 Structural Analysis by R. C. Hibbeler

Key features of Structural Analysis book

  • Main Topics: Structural Analysis theorems of trusses, beams, and frames.
  • Content Summary:
    • Deflections Using Energy Methods/Slope-Deflection Equations, 
    • Statically Indeterminate Structures…
Structural Analysis By R. C. Hibbeler

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In this Structural Analysis book by R. C. Hibbeler, the emphasis is given to developing the student’s ability to both model and analyze a structure and to provide realistic applications encountered in professional practice.

This book goes beyond theory and steps into the information age by especially developing animations that breathe new life into classical concepts.

Preliminary aspects of structural analysis are discussed as well and some basic types of structures, their components, and supports are addressed.

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#1 Structures Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down

Key features of Structures Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down book by J E Gordon

  • Main Topics: General understanding of Structures
  • Content Summary:
    • Compression and bending structures, 
    • Tension structures, 
    • The difficult birth of the science of elasticity.
Structures Or Why Things Don'T Fall Down

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This book Structures Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down by J E Gordon is an ideal book for someone who is considering studying civil engineering

This book provides a fundamental understanding of basic concepts and explains the history behind the complex formulas used in solid mechanics.

It is for anyone who has wondered why suspension bridges don’t collapse under eight lanes of traffic, how dams hold back thousands of gallons of water, or what principles guide the design of skyscrapers.

Also Read: The Top 5 Essential Tools for a Civil Engineer

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Author Aakash Dudhat

It is my pleasure to welcome you to, a website created and managed by Dudhat Aakash. In addition to having a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering

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