Surveying and Levelling MCQs | Civil Engineering MCQs for Surveying and Levelling

Surveying and Levelling MCQs | Civil Engineering MCQs for Surveying and Levelling

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If the length of drawing is 20 mm and the actual length of object is 5 meter, then what is the representative factor?

ANSWER= [D] 1:250

The correct answer for If the length of the drawing is 20 mm and the actual length of an object is 5 meters, then what is the representative factor is 1:250.

The mean sea level (msl) of a permanent bench mark was 150 meter. The foresight reading taken on a vertical staff kept on the bench mark was 1.50 m while the ‘Back sight' reading taken on an inverted vertical staff kept at the bottom of the roof was 1.8 m. What would be the level of bottom of roof?

ANSWER= [D] 153.30 m

The satellite images give the information related to land use and land cover of the earth surface. Such data is processed for getting useful information using the which of the following tools?

ANSWER= [A] Geographical information system (GIS)
The satellite images give the information related to land use and land cover of the earth surface. Such data is processed for getting useful information using the Geographical information system (GIS) tools.

If the cross sectional area of an embankment at 30 m intervals are 20, 40, 50, 50 and 30 squre meter respectively. What would be approximate volume of the embankment?

ANSWER= [A] 5300 m3
If the cross sectional area of an embankment at 30 m intervals are 20, 40, 50, 50 and 30 squre meter respectively. then approximate volume of the embankment is 5300 m3.

Which of the topographic survey maps procured under different scale would be more accurate?

ANSWER= [D] 1:25000

For a tachometer, the additive and multiplying constants are respectively.

ANSWER= [A] 0 and 100
For a tachometer, the additive and multiplying constants are 0 and 100 respectively.

For traffic surveys using origin and destination studies, the most suitable method in case of heavy traffic and absence of skilled or trained personnel is

ANSWER = [D] Return post card method

Correct answer for traffic surveys using origin and destination studies, the most suitable method in case of heavy traffic and absence of skilled or trained personnel is Return post card method.

In traffic control, the speed at which vehicles are presumed to travel through the coordinated signal system is known as

ANSWER = [B] Speed of progression

Explanation: In traffic control, the speed at which vehicles are presumed to travel through the coordinated signal system is known as Speed of progression

Author Aakash Dudhat

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