Fluid Mechanics Civil Engineering MCQs Part 3

Fluid Mechanics MCQ Part 3

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What would the intensity of excess rainfall that would be represented by a Unit hydrograph of 4 hr duration?

ANSWER= [D] 0.25 cm/hr

0.25 cm/hr would the intensity of excess rainfall that would be represented by a Unit hydrograph of 4 hr duration

Rational formula is applicable under what condition in prediction of flood for storm of duration 1hr?

ANSWER = [B] The time of concentration at catchment outlet should be lesser than 1hr

The recurrence intervals for a flood of magnitude 20000m3/s in a river. were observed to be 4 yes, 6 yrs, 5yrs and 10 yrs in a time span of 30 yrs. What would be the Returm period for the flood of magnitude 20000m3/s in the same river?

ANSWER = [C] 6yrs

In hydrological routing. Storage time constant (K) represents _____

ANSWER = [A] Time required for passage of flood wave from upstream section to downstream section

In hydrological routing. Storage time constant (K) represents Time required for passage of flood wave from upstream section to downstream section

The duty of a canal network would be maximum at which of the following location?

ANSWER= [A] Head of agricultural field

The field capacity (FC) and permanent wilting point (PWP) of an irrigation field were observed to be 0.30 and 0.10 respectively. Compute the moisture content for optimal growth for the same field, by assuming readily available moisure is 75% of available moisture.

ANSWER= [C] 0.25

In case of wastewater disposal in a river, minimum dissolved oxygen level occurs in the zone of

ANSWER = [B] Zone of active decomposition

Sedimentation with coagulation treatment of water is effective when water is

ANSWER = [B] Slightly alkaline

What is the viscosity of a liquid whose kinematic viscosity is 6 stokes and specific gravity is 1.90?

ANSWER = [B] 11.40 poise

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Author Aakash Dudhat

It is my pleasure to welcome you to civilexperiences.com, a website created and managed by Dudhat Aakash. In addition to having a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering

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