Site Selection for Harbour – Civil Experiences Blog

Site Selection for Harbour

The main function of a Harbour is to provide a sheltered area where vessels can moor

 Easy accessibility of a Harbour implies a wide and straight approach

Factors Affecting Site Selection of Harbour

For any kind of project site selecting is most important to establish project work and success of the project

The following factors should be considered while selecting a site for a harbour

  1. Availability of cheap Land
  2. Easy availability of construction material at low cost
  3. Harbour should be naturally protected from waves and wind
  4. The sea bed, subsoil, and foundation conditions
  5. Availability of electrical energy and freshwater 
  6. Traffic potentiality of the harbor 
  7. Availability of labors
  8. Favorable marine conditions 
  9. Defense and strategic aspects
  10. Transportation and communication facilities
  11. Industrial development of the locality
  12. Traffic potentiality of the harbor

Download PPT for Harbour Subject

If you want to download PPF on Harbour topic subject for college project presentation then here we provide some PPT for you and we will update this PPT to better one so must follow us for latest updates of study materials provided by Civil Experience Best Civil Engineering website.

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Civil Experience
Author Aakash Dudhat

It is my pleasure to welcome you to, a website created and managed by Dudhat Aakash. In addition to having a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering

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