Contributor Personality Development Program is the engineering subject and especially civil engineering GTU collage cover this subject in 5th-semester name Contributor Personality Development Program (CPDP) and subject code is 3150004
In this article, you got contributor personality development program ppt for the CPDP subject which is your task during the semester and PPT based on Non-Verbal Communication Skills also you got contributor personality development program GTU syllabus PDF
Gujarat Technological University (GTU) allocated subject credit for Contributor Personality Development Program (CPDP) and the subject code is 3150004 is 2 credit
For a More Detail about the Syllabus of the Contributor Personality Development Program (CPDP) read below contributor personality development program pdf or Download GTU Syllabus For Contributor Personality Development Program
On the internet lots of lectures and video available on the Contributor Personality Development Program so in this article, I directly provide contributor personality development program GTU PPT on Non Verbal communication Skills and syllabus for the Contributor Personality Development Program (3150004)
You can read PPT as a PDF from the below preview or download CPDP PPT from the below preview