PCC In Construction
PCC full form in engineering stands for Plain Cement Construction also Plain Cement Concrete. PCC is done to form a level surface by avoiding concrete being installed directly on the soil. This is done primarily to keep soil from mixing with soil if possible.
PCC is usually a mix of fine aggregate (sand) and cement particles. PCC in Construction is important so that read the full article to clear each and every concept.
PCC Full Form in Civil Engineering
What is the PCC full form in civil engineering is the first question that comes to mind as soon as the fresher engineer because some words used in a construction site are different from the civil engineering syllabus and college books.
PCC Full Form Construction
PCC Full Form Construction (pcc full form in engineering) is “Plain Cement Concrete“.
PCC is also defined as Cement Concrete or Blinding Concrete.
What Is PCC Concrete?
Plain Cement Concrete or PCC Concrete has represented a mixture of cement, sand, aggregate, and water without reinforcement. PCC Concrete is usually laid on the soil surface before concreting maid structure to avoid direct contact of reinforcement of concrete (RCC) with soil and water.
Why We Provide PCC in Every Construction
Uses of PCC in Civil Engineering
The main reason for providing PCC in Every Construction before starting any kind of RCC construction work or masonry work is to provide a rigid impervious bed to RCC in the foundation directly on the soil after the soil excavation work process, PCC concrete provides a leveled surface and to avoid laying concrete on soil directly so as to avoid mixing with soil and also to prevent soil extracting water from RCC thereby weakening it.
What is PCC Ratio in Civil Engineering
PCC Concrete Mix Ratio is 1:5:10, which represents 1 part of cement, 5 parts of sand, and 10 parts of aggregate used during the process of concrete making.
Use of PCC in construction to form a level soil bed surface for footing casting.
Uses of PCC in Civil Engineering
PCC (Plain cement concrete) is generally used for foundations works.
A detailed list of Uses of PCC in Civil Engineering construction work Procedures provides below
- Protection of Plinth (Also Check – Process of Concreting in Plinth Beam)
- To gain a hard, Levelled, and uniform soil surface.
- As concrete on the bed flooring, under the column footings, and on the walls below the beam.
- For Pavement Making.
- For counter concrete on parapets and composite walls.
- To flag the area around the buildings.
- For making tennis courts, basketball courts, etc.
- To maintain level to avoid differential settlements
- Storm/sewer on drains, small retaining walls.
Ingredients of PCC In Construction
The main ingredients of plain cement concrete (PCC) is Cement, Fine Aggregate, Coarse Aggregate, and water which are described below
One of the Types of Cement is Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) which is highly used for plain cement concrete construction work.
Cement should conform to the specifications and have the required tensile and compressive stresses and fineness.
Fine Aggregates
The fine set will consist of coarse sand with hard, sharp, and angular grains and will pass through a 5 mm square mesh screen.
The sand should follow standard specifications, clean and free from dust, dirt, and organic matter.
Sea sand shall not be used.
Coarse Aggregates
The use of coarse aggregates in PCC should be free of hard dust, dirt, and other foreign materials of granite or similar stone.
The stone ballast will be 20 mm in size and smaller. All coarse material should be maintained in a 5 mm square mesh and well-graded aggregate so that voids do not exceed 42%.
The water used will be clean and reasonably free from harmful amounts of harmful materials such as oil, acids, alkalis, salts, and vegetable growth.
Generally, Potable water shall be used having a pH value near to natural (7).
The maximum permissible limits for solids shall be as per IS 456:2000 Clause 5.4, Page No 15.
Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) Work Procedure
Process of Making of PCC Concrete for civil site works is given below in Civil Experience Top Civil Engineering Blog
Following are the process of making plain cement concrete (PCC)
- Selection of Ingredients
- Mixing of Ingredients
- Transportation and Placing
- Compaction of concrete
- Finishing and Curing of concrete
Advantages of PCC Concrete
- The required concrete cover (Nominal Cover) for the reinforcement is ensured, as the cover blocks rest on a firm PCC.
- The effective depth of the RCC members is achieved because the formwork can be fixed easily, evenly, and firmly, resulting in better dimension accuracy of the foundation RCC member.
- Reinforcement steel bars, mounted on PCC, are never in contact with ground soil, which can be chemically active and cause steel corrosion in the immediate future.
- Ease of steel cages and increased productivity.
- Concrete does not bond with the soil (soil) of the ground; PCC acts as a soil barrier and is bonded to well overplayed structural grade concrete.
FAQs for Plain Cement Concrete
FAQ 1: What is the PCC Full Form in Civil Engineering?
PCC Full Form Construction is Plain Cement Concrete.
FAQ 2: Why We Provide PCC in Every Construction?
Uses of PCC in Civil EngineeringThe main reason for providing PCC in Every Construction before starting any kind of RCC construction work or masonry work is to provide a rigid impervious bed to RCC in the foundation directly on the soil after the soil excavation work process, PCC concrete provides a levelled surface and to avoid laying concrete on soil directly so as to avoid mixing with soil and also to prevent soil extracting water from RCC thereby weakening it.
FAQ 3: What are the Uses of PCC in Civil Engineering?
1. Protection of Plinth2. To gain a hard, Levelled and uniform soil surface.3. As concrete on the bed flooring, under the column footings and on the walls below the beam.4. For Pavement Making.5. For counter concrete on parapets and composite walls.6. To flag the area around the buildings.7. For making tennis courts, basketball courts etc.8. To maintain level to avoid differential settlements9. Storm/sewer on drains, small retaining walls.
FAQ 4: What is the Work Procedure of Plain Cement Concrete (PCC)?
Following are the process of making plain cement concrete (PCC)1. Selection of Ingredients2. Mixing of Ingredients3. Transportation and Placing4. Compaction of concrete5. Finishing and Curing of concrete
FAQ 5: What are the Advantages of PCC Concrete?
1. The required concrete cover (Nominal Cover) for the reinforcement is ensured, as the cover blocks rest on a firm PCC.2. The effective depth of the RCC members is achieved because the formwork can be fixed easily, evenly and firmly, resulting in better dimension accuracy of the foundation RCC member.3. Reinforcement steel bars, mounted on PCC, are never in contact with ground soil, which can be chemically active and cause steel corrosion in the immediate future.4. Ease of steel cages and increased productivity.5. Concrete does not bond with the soil (soil) of the ground; PCC acts as a soil barrier and is bonded to well overplayed structural grade concrete.