Division of Indian Roads Into Four Classes as a National Highway

Division of the Indian roads into four classes as a national highway, state highway, district roads and village roads was proposed by

ANSWER = [C] The Indian Roads Congress in 1934
Explain:- Correct answer for the question Division of the Indian roads into four classes as a national highway, state highway, district roads and village roads was proposed by is [C] The Indian Roads Congress in 1934

Detailed Explanation

Indian roads congress (IRC) was formed in 1934. The Indian roads Congress was constituted to provide a forum for regular pooling of experience and ideas on all matters affecting the planning, construction and maintenance of roads in India. 

The IRC has played important role in the formulation of the three 20 year road development plans in India.

Nagpur Roads Plan

Roads should be divided into four classes:-

National Highway (NH)

National Highway (NH) traversing the length and breadth of the country, linking provincial capitals and serving strategic and administrative needs of the country. 

State Highway

State Highway would be the other main road of the province. 

District Roads

District Roads are those which take off from the main roads leading to the interior of the districts depending upon the importance, some of them would be classified as Major District Roads (MDRs) and the others as other District Roads (ODRs). 

Village Roads

Village Roads are those which give connectivity to the village. 

Note: The commission has rejected the question in the revised answer key.

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Author Aakash Dudhat

It is my pleasure to welcome you to civilexperiences.com, a website created and managed by Dudhat Aakash. In addition to having a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering

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