All BEST Informative Concrete MCQ Practice Test Questions | Concrete Technology Related MCQ Series 3

All BEST Informative Concrete MCQ Practice Test Questions

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Concrete Technology Part 3

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Civil Engineering Mcqs | Concrete Technology Part 3
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Civil Engineering MCQs

What is the strength of m30 concrete After 7 day as per IS 456?

ANSWER = 20 N/mm2

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The characteristic strength of concrete is defined as that compressive strength below which is NOT more than

ANSWER = [C] 5% of results fall

Generally, Concrete cube tests measure concrete’s

ANSWER = [A] Compressive strength

The modulus of rupture of concrete gives (GATE 1995)

ANSWER = [C] the tensile strength of the concrete under bending

The cylinder strength of the concrete is less than the cube strength because of

ANSWER = [C] the friction between the concrete specimens and the steel plate of the testing machine

The cylinder strength of the concrete is less than the cube strength because of the friction between the concrete specimens and the steel plate of the testing machine

The flexural strength of M30 concrete as per IS 456 : 2000 is [GATE 2005 : 2 Marks]

ANSWER = [A] 3.83 MPa

The flexural strength of M30 concrete as per IS 456:2000 is 3.83 MPa

As per IS 456:2000, the flexural strength of concrete at 28 days of ageing is related to compressive strength by the equation:

ANSWER = [A] 0.7√fck

Characteristic Strength of Concrete (fck)

The compressive strength of concrete is given in terms of the characteristic compressive strength of 150 mm size cubes tested after 28 days

The characteristics strength is defined as the strength of concrete below which not more than 55 of the test results are expected to fall

Flexural Strength of Concrete

The theoretical maximum flexural tensile stress occurring in the extreme fibers of RC beam, which causes cracking is referred to as the modulus of rupture (fcr)

Clause 6.2.2 of IS 456 gives the modulus of rupture of flexural tensile strength as 0.7√fck

What is the value of flexural strength of M25 concrete? [ESE : 2005]

ANSWER = [B] 3.5 MPa

At what stress does the first flexural crack appear in RCC beams made of M25 grade concrete? [ESE : 2009]

ANSWER = [B] 3.5 MPa

The modulus of rupture of concrete in terms of its characteristic cube compressive strength (fck) in MPa according to IS 456: 2000 is [GATE QnA 2009 : 1 Mark]

ANSWER = [D] 0.7 √fck

As per IS 456, splitting tensile strength (fcr) of concrete may be estimated from compressive strength as

ANSWER = [B] fcr = 0.7√fck

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Author Aakash Dudhat

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