Kaveri water dispute is in between MCQ Answer
Kaveri water dispute is in between [A] Punjab and haryana [B] Uttar Pradesh and haryana [C] Haryana and himachal pradesh …
Kaveri water dispute is in between [A] Punjab and haryana [B] Uttar Pradesh and haryana [C] Haryana and himachal pradesh …
The Specific gravity of Air is standardized at a temperature of
[A] 0°C
[B] 4°C
[C] 23°C
[D] 100°C
A cantilever beam AB of 12 m carries an uniformly distributed load of 4 kN/m. The bending moment at a distance of 3m from the free end in kN-m is
At the point of inflexion, which of the following is true? a) deflected shape changes curvature b) bending moment is zero
Which of the following errors cannot be eliminated by taking both face observations?
[A] error due to horizontal axis not being perpendicular to the vertical axis
The ratio of total elongation of a bar of uniform cross-section produced under its own weight to the elongation produced by an external load equal to weight of the bar, would be