In this article, we explain important 12 points that should be checked before PCC work in the foundation
12 Points to Check For PCC in The Foundation
Strata for PCC Foundation
Once footing excavation is complete then you should check for the SBC (soil bearing capacity) of soil or strata for the laying of the PCC Foundation.
If there are deep pockets in the strata then it should be filled with plum concrete before doing PCC work.
For the residential buildings type of building having low bearing capacity soil, boulder soling is preferred by expert civil engineers and experience constructors for the stabilization of the foundation.
Footing Layout Marking for PCC Formwork
The centerline of the column is marked & the excavated pit is checked for its correct position. The outline of the foundation is checked to mark the boundary of PCC.
If the excavation is done by the JCB, the size of the pit may be inaccurate. In that case, you have to fix the formwork box for the casting of PCC work.
Cleaning Excavated Pit
Remove all the unwanted materials such as organic debris, rocks, formwork pieces, loose soils, etc. should be removed from the footing pit and make it clean for level work.
The top level of the PCC is marked at the 4 corners of the foundation pit. The depth of the PCC is considered from the highest level point of the uneven strata.
For eg., if the PCC depth is 100mm., the top level of PCC is marked at 100mm. above the upper portion of the strata.
If there is any seepage of water occurs at the footing pit, a sump/motor is set at the lowest corner of the strata for the dewatering of the footing pit.
While pouring the concrete, it should be checked that the water level should not be more than the strata level. The dewatering process is continued until the PCC gains its initial setting time.
If the strata of the excavated pit is dry without any moisture content then you have to sprinkle water in Excavated Pit before concreting. Otherwise, the strata or soil surface absorbs all most water from the poured PCC concrete, to make it weak having a lower strength.
Concrete Mix Design
The grade of concrete mix design for the PCC work is checked for its proportion to achieve the required consistency. The W/C ratio is maintained to prevent segregation & bleeding in concrete.
If the pouring depth is higher than 1.5 meters, a chute arrangement is made to prevent the segregation of concrete in construction.
Thickness of PCC in Construction
After pouring work & compaction of concrete is done by vibration of using a concrete vibrator, the top level of the PCC is checked for its required depth, and levelling is done
Top Finnined PCC Surface
The top concrete surface is finished by using a levelling metal Patti & lineout string or any method.
The uniform top-level is checked diagonally by holding the string at the PCC corners.
Curing of Concrete
The curing of Concrete process starts from the next day to achieve the required strength of concrete structural elements.
FAQ 1: Thickness of PCC in Construction
After pouring work and compaction of concrete is done by vibration of using a concrete vibrator, the top level of the PCC is checked for its required depth, and levelling is doneÂ
FAQ 2: Footing Layout Marking for PCC FormworkÂ
The centerline of the column is marked and the excavated pit is checked for its correct position. The outline of the foundation is checked to mark the boundary of PCC.Footing Layout Marking for PCC FormworkIf the excavation is done by the JCB, the size of the pit may be inaccurate. In that case, you have to fix the formwork box for the casting of PCC work.