Which of The Following Statement is Correct

Which of the following statement is correct in the case of the seismic method of site investigation?

ANSWER = [A] If the surface layer is frozen, then the method cannot be used
Explain:- Correct answer for the question Which of the following statement is correct in the case of the seismic method of site investigation is [A] If the surface layer is frozen, then the method cannot be used

Detailed Explain for Solution

The seismic method of site investigation is not to be used if the surface layer is frozen. 

The seismic method of study is based on the principle that subsurface rock formations bear different elastic properties.

The velocities of propagation of seismic waves through the subsurface layers of the earth suffer reflection or critical reflection arrive at the surface of the earth where they are selected by geophones. 

It’s possible to determine the depth of various elastic boundaries. 

Note: the commission has rejected the question in the revised answer key.

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Civil Experience
Author Aakash Dudhat

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