Civil UPSC ESE Exam Solution 2021
UPSC ESE Exam Solution 2021 for Civil Engineering UPSC ESE 2021 GS Paper 1 download exam paper from telegram and Follow us
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Consider the following statements regarding channel routing:
- 1. In channel routing, the flood hydrograph at various sections of the reach is predicted by considering a channel reach and an input hydrograph at the upstream end.
- 2. As the flood wave moves down the river, the shape of the wave does not change.
- 3. Flood waves passing down a river have their peaks attenuated due to friction.
- 4. The addition of lateral inflows can cause an increase of attenuation
Which of the above statements are not correct?
ANSWER= [D] 2 and 4 only
Detailed Solution for Civil Engineering Exam
As the flood wave moves down the river, the shape of the waves gets modified due to various factors, such as channel storage, resistance, lateral addition or withdrawal of flow, etc.
When a flood wave passes through a reservoir, its peak is attenuated due to friction if there is no lateral inflow.
The addition of lateral inflows can cause a reduction of attenuation or even amplification of a flood wave.
In channel routing, the flood hydrograph at various sections of the reach is predicted by considering a channel reach and an input hydrograph at the upstream end.