Describe The Various Defects in Concrete Along With Precautions That Should be Exercised to Prevent Them. Also, you will get a solution regarding efflorescence is which type of deterioration MCQ.
Various Defects in Concrete
The various defects in concrete along with precautions to prevent them are enumerated below:
Crazing in Concrete
It is a network of very small surface cracks spreading out on a large area of concrete.
This occurs due to finishing the concrete surface with bleed water at the top of the concrete surface.
Finishing workforces the bleed water to go into the concrete which increases the water-cement ratio thereby creating a weak layer of concrete surface.
Thus bleeding of concrete should always be avoided.
Spelling in Concrete
It is the breaking loose of large chunks of concrete just like scaling.
It indicates weakness in the concrete at that location from where spelling is occurring.
Alternate thawing and wetting cycle increase spelling of concrete.
What is Efflorescence in Concrete
What is Efflorescence in Concrete is the common equation for anyone because most people are not aware of What is Efflorescence in Concrete.
When the inner water of concrete comes to the surface, it gets evaporated leaving behind some white spots or patches.
This is because concrete contains some soluble salts and as water evaporates, the salts get deposited on the surface of concrete thereby creating spots or patches on the concrete surface.
Blister in Concrete
Blister is caused due to finishing of the concrete surface while water and air still are on their way up through the mix to the concrete surface.
Scaling in Concrete
Thin flakes of concrete usually get peeled off from the surface. This occurs due to alternate freezing and thawing cycle.