Segregation in concrete | Define, Causes & Prevention of Segregation

Segregation in concrete is the most common irritating problem that occurred during the casting of concrete of building structural members which are 100% hatted by structure engineers and Quality inspection engineers.

Some time contractor or site engineer faced demolished a particular member due to concrete segregation and reconstruct it by own cost but don’t worry civil experience try to provide the best out best for you.

Segregation In Concrete
Segregation in concrete

Segregation in concrete

In this Civil Experience article, you learn in deep about Define Segregation of Concrete, Types of Segregation, Causes of Segregation in Concrete (Why Segregation occurs in Concrete), What are the effects of segregation in concrete and How can we prevent concrete segregation (remedy for segregation) so read carefully and share. Don’t forget to bookmark the civil experience blog for future problem solving.

What is The Definition of Segregation?

We can Define concrete Segregation as a basic Definition of Segregation to understand what segregation means in civil engineering. also, refer to What is segregation of concrete mix?

Definition of Segregation

“Define segregation of concrete as the way like separating of the material of concrete mixture and convert into the non-homogeneous condition” we can consider it as a segregation definition.

We need stable homogeneous concrete mix which is able to fully compact and provide better result. Try Concrete Mix Design Excel Sheet to get perfect quantity for best result.

Segregation Of Concrete | Causes &Amp; Prevention Of Segregation
Segregation In Concrete

Because Most of the engineers confuse about what is meant by segregation of concrete and bleeding so we learn all about segregation today in our next article we discuss about bleeding of concrete.

Why Segregation Occurs in Concrete?

Various factors affecting segregation (segregation of concrete results), we Explain most commonly and relatable factors affecting segregation be a reason causes of segregation of concrete in which are Explain in Detailed below

Factors Affecting Segregation In Concrete

As a civil engineer, you always wonder about How does segregation affect concrete? Right!!! I’m also civil engineer so I know which kind of question comes in my during site construction project work so I make a useful list below but before reading share this article and support us so we try hard to provide more and more information.

  1. High W/C ratio â€“ Excess use of water during the making of cement concrete
  2. Wrong proportion use in concrete mix – in which sufficient cement paste (slurry) is not available in sufficient quantity to bind and contain particle (aggregate)
  3. Casting from to height – during the casting concrete drop from high height more than 1.5 meters in case of placing/casting of concrete in column
    • What is the scientific reason behind this?
    • The specific gravity of every ingredient of concrete is different. So when concrete is placed/drop from a height then the ingredient which has higher specific gravity fall first compare to a particle that has lower specific gravity end of result segregation happened in the mix
  4. Ingredient of concrete Specific gravity
    Cement 3.15
    Coarse aggregate 2.68
    Fine aggregate 2.65
    Water 1
  5. Wrong reinforcement/formwork placing in design which is the reason for discharging concrete
  6. Passing concrete along a slope, especially with a change of direction so segregation arises
  7. Concrete shows a tendency for segregation when badly designed mixer placing
  8. When concrete is discharged by using worn-out blades concrete mix shows chances for segregation
  9. Segregation occurs during also when transport/conveyance concrete to the Place of casting by conveyor belts, wheel borrow, long lift by hoist and skip and long-distance haul by damper also increase chances of segregation of the concrete mix
  10. Over vibrate – Use of a vibrator is excellent but excess use is harmful when vibrator use in over/excess/long time then aggregate place at bottom and cement paste come to the top surface which is called segregation
  11. Unskill Masons are likely to use too must tamping, vibrator or float immediately on placing concrete to achieve a smooth surface after casting within no time which leads to aggregate place at the bottom and slurry bring top causes plastic shrinkage cracks and scum/laitance

Types of Segregation in Concrete

There are Three Types of Segregation face in the construction field

  1. The paste separating out from the mortar/concrete generally arise in wet mix conditions
  2. Water separating out from the concrete normally facing this problem in excess use of water and be the reason for lower specific gravity
  3. The courage aggregate separating out from the concrete mix/mortar normally occurs in a dry mix case

We obtained stable, cohesive and also homogeneous concrete mix by using various considerations like size, shape, grading and surface texture of aggregate with optimum w/c ratio (water-cement ratio) so that concrete is not affected by segregation.

Because cohesive property means particle makes the bond between surrounding particle so that particle (aggregate) does not allow to separate out from the concrete mixture at the end to result in we eliminate segregation

How Can We Prevent Concrete Segregation?

When Segregation take place in Concrete the most common quarry that comes in engineer/contractor minds is “How to Prevent Segregation of concrete” so here In Top Civil Engineering Blog – Civil Experience provides the best solution to overcome/solving here 

We prevent concrete segregation by taking the following precautions which are described below

  1. Take care of the correct proportion mix design used
  2. Use of certain admixture workability agent, which make the concrete mix cohesive so that its help in reducing segregation
  3. By using an air-entraining agent which greatly helps in reduces segregation
  4. By reducing the height of concrete placing – must read this article Guideline for Construction Process of RCC Column
  5. Be careful and focus during concreting and avoid the horizontal flow of concrete in casting and also avoid obstruction
  6. Proper use of a vibrator in Construction – labour mostly like a vibrator to spread concrete but stop them because excess use of vibrator greatly lead to segregation

What to do if Segregation Occurred?

  • If coarse particle separate from mix may be corrected by adding a small quantity of water which help in improves cohesion if the concrete mix
  • If segregation have been seen at any stage then remixing for a short time to make the concrete again homogeneous state

To know about the segregation of concrete in Hindi please watch the video

FAQ 1: What is The Definition of Segregation?

Define segregation of concrete as the way like separating of the material of concrete mixture and convert into the non-homogeneous condition by Civil Experience

FAQ 2: Why Segregation Occurs in Concrete?

There are various factors affecting segregation (segregation of concrete results) but here in Civil Experience, we Explain most commonly and relatable factors affecting segregation be a reason causes of segregation of concrete in which are Explain in Detailed

FAQ 3: Factors Affecting Segregation of Concrete

1. High W/C ratio – Excess use of water during the making of cement concrete 2. Wrong proportion use in concrete mix – in which sufficient cement paste (slurry) is not available in sufficient quantity to bind and contain particle (aggregate) 3. Casting from to height – during the casting concrete drop from high height more than 1.5 meters in case of placing/casting of concrete in column 4. Wrong reinforcement/formwork placing in design which is the reason for discharging concrete 5. Passing concrete along a slope, especially with a change of direction so segregation arises 6. Concrete shows a tendency for segregation when badly designed mixer placing…

FAQ 4: Types of Segregation in Concrete

There are Three Types of Segregation face in the construction fieldThe paste separating out from the mortar/concrete generally arise in wet mix conditionsWater separating out from the concrete normally facing this problem in excess use of water and be the reason for lower specific gravityThe courage aggregate separating out from the concrete mix/mortar normally occurs in a dry mix case

FAQ 5: How Can We Prevent Concrete Segregation?

When Segregation take place in Concrete the most common quarry that comes in engineer/contractor minds is How to Prevent Segregation of concrete” so here In Top Civil Engineering Blog – Civil Experience provide the best solution to over come/solving here We prevent concrete segregation by taking the following precautions which are described below1. Take care of the correct proportion mix design used2. Use of certain admixture workability agent, which make the concrete mix cohesive so that its help in reducing segregation3. By using an air-entraining agent which greatly helps in reduces segregation…

Author Aakash Dudhat

It is my pleasure to welcome you to, a website created and managed by Dudhat Aakash. In addition to having a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering

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