Minimum Concrete Cover for Reinforcement in Footing, Beam, Column, Beam – Civil Experience

Why Concrete Cover need?

  • Concrete Cover ( Cover or Clear cover or Nominal cover) for reinforcement is must be required to Protect the Reinforcement rebar bar against corrosion and also to protect against fire

    Concrete Cover Requirements

    Minimum Concrete Cover For Reinforcement | As Per Is 456 The Minimum Nominal Cover Specified For Footing Is

    Basically, as you all know, Concrete cover blocks are provided as a safeguard of reinforcement from various impacts like moisture, heat, chemicals…

    In sort, Keep the strength of reinforcement of structure and make the structure Durability as long as possible

    • To provide safety to reinforcement bars to avoid corrosion from the factors of the environment
    • To provide safety to reinforcement bars from Fire  (Thermal insulation)
    • To provide proper and sufficient support to reinforcement to keep their position

    Also Read

    Minimum Concrete Cover for Reinforcement in Footing, Beam, Column, Beam

    What happens if there is no proper cover thickness is not provided in concrete?

    Classification of Condition for providing Clear cover

    1. Based on Serviceability
    2. Based on Structure

    Environmental Conditions in India are categorized as below

    Based on environmental conditions like which type of soil, where the site of construction, the water reservoir is near to the site of construction, etc

    As per IS 456 the minimum nominal cover specified for the slab is

    • Mild25 mm minimum cover
    • Moderate30 mm minimum cover
    • Serve45 mm minimum cover (Building in control coastal area, footing touch with soil)
    • Very Serve50 mm minimum cover (Footing in critical salty soils, Building onshore)
    • Extreme 75 mm minimum cover

    Minimum Nominal Cover Based on the Structure

    1. For footing minimum nominal cover is – 15 mm minimum cover (as per is 456 the minimum nominal cover specified for footing is)
    2. Flate Slab20 mm minimum cover
    3. Grade Slab20 mm minimum cover
    4. Beam25 mm minimum cover
    5. Strap Beam50 mm minimum cover
    6. Column 40 mm minimum cover
    7. Shear wall25 mm minimum cover 
    8. Footing 50 mm minimum cover
    9. Raft Foundation Top – 50 mm minimum cover
    10. Raft Foundation Bottom – 75 mm minimum cover
    11. Staircase15 mm minimum cover
    12. Ret. Wall on earth20-25 mm minimum cover

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    FAQ for Concrete Cover

    FAQ 1:  Why Concrete Cover need?

    Concrete Cover ( Cover or Clear cover or Nominal cover) for reinforcement is must be required to Protect the Reinforcement rebar bar against corrosion and also to protect against fire 

    FAQ 2: as per is 456 the minimum nominal cover specified for footing is? 

    as per is 456 the minimum nominal cover specified for footing is 15 mm minimum cover 

    Civil Experience
    Author Aakash Dudhat

    It is my pleasure to welcome you to, a website created and managed by Dudhat Aakash. In addition to having a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering

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