How To Earn GTU 100 Activity Points Just In 1 Semester

Welcome to Our Blog Civil Experience today we are going to give you a Secrets road map Strategies about how you can make hundred activity points as fast as possible so read the whole article without skipping any important 100 activity points.

I achieved more than 450+ 100 Activity Points points during my academic time. isn’t it interesting?

100 Points Activity

In this article, Civil Experience going to provide a detailed guide about 100 activity points guidelines/how to complete 100 points in gtu for how to get 100 points in GTU in the first year of college easily without any pressure and load before going into Strategies look some overview on basics of GTU 100 activity point.

Also Check: Download GTU Paper in 1 Click

What is 100 Points Activity?

Gujarat Technological University (GTU) is the first university who introduce such a system in India

Gtu 100 Activity Points
 GTU 100 Activity Points 

Under this system, students should earn a minimum of 100 points under different curricular activities and Activity must be from GTU prescribed activity points by GTU

Subject Name: Activity Points

Subject Code: 1880001

Importance of GTU 100 Activity Points?

This 100 points activity is being a part of academic activity but it has similar potential as syllabus learning because the college syllabus helps you to gain marks in exam but this hundred point activity help you to improve your skill, problem-solving ability, thinking power, management skill, etc.

Industry-related skills such as teamwork, leadership qualities, observing the world, and providing a unique innovative solution to improve technology in an environment that triggers your skill and ability to be a successful engineer or also help in achieving an excellent job offer 

Hence, GTU has created these 100 activity points Gujarat technological university in order to prepare the students to match this multi-skill requirement

Also Read: Free Quiz certificate – gtu 100 point activity certificate download

Minimum Point Requirement

An undergraduate Engineering student must obtain the following minimum activity points as an entry-level in B.E. course as shown below

Point Required for Regular student

If GTU student is regular student type students 100 activity points means for 1st-year regular college students should earn minimum GTU 100 activity points during their total 4 academic years

Point Required for D2D student

If GTU student is D2D Student type means for 2nd year/3rd Semester College admission students should earn a minimum of 75 activity points during their total 3 academic years

Point Required for Transfer student

If GTU student is transferring their college means 3rd-year admission type means for 3rd year/5th Semester College students should earn a minimum of 50 activity points during their total 2 academic years

Student’s Role for Activity Points

Every student will participate in co-curricular and other activities as per the Activity-Point table set by GTU.

They must produce evidence from a designated Faculty Member nominated by the Head of Department / Principal / Director at the relevant college.

Every student is required to prepare a containing written evidence of works, created by himself.

It is compulsory for every student to prepare presentations of activities done during the current year.

Now come to the main aim of this article to how you can gain 100 points during 1st semester or year

Also Read: Change in The Rules of 100 Activity Points in GTU Due to Covid-19

How you can Achieve 100 Points During the 1st Year?

Before collecting points for 100 point activity GTU, you must know some 100 activity points guidelines so you can save your time and effort and invest in other activities. I am sure you agree with me?

Sr. No.Major Activity HeadsMaximum points under the Heads


Bridge Course



Technical / Research Skill



Sports and Cultural



Community outreach and Social initiatives



Innovation / IPR / Entrepreneurship



Leadership / Management


You have to keep the above table in your mind which represents 100 activity point rules/ 100 activity points guidelines when you create a GTU 100 point activity list by which you can fulfill your activity point because for example if you earn more than 50 like 70 points from Technical / Research Skill then it’s only considering 50 points only so your 20 activity point is wasted.

I am sure you agree with me?

#1 Activity Point from Bridge Course

Bridge Course is compulsory activity during your 1st year of admission in college so you can alternatively earn activity point from Bridge Course and your collage guide you for each and every bridge Course activity

here I don’t want to explain in brief but if you want PPT or Report which your college gives you task in Bridge Course then comment us (Civil Experience GTU) we will provide you

  • You can earn 2 points from Village Visit during the Bridge course
  • You can earn 2 points from Leering Engineering during the Bridge course
  • You can earn 2 points from History of Science &Technology during the Bridge course
  • You can earn 2 points from Life Skills during the Bridge course

Now you gain 8 points and for D2D student didn’t gain this point but its only 8 point and D2d Student should earn 75 only instead of 100 points so be relaxed with the civil experience blog because at the end of the article you definitely earn more than 100 point

Also Read: Product Development Canvas Sheet

#2 Activity Point from Technical / Research Skill

I earn more than 200+ points from this Activity Point in the Technical / Research Skill section

Activity Point Form Technical / Research Skill
Activity Point from Technical / Research Skill

In this section of 100 Activity point gtu, you can earn a maximum of 50 points from the different activity which I listed below and you can download the gtu 100 activity point rules pdf because I will only talk about some activity that helps to go earn 100 activity points as fast as possible

Before starting this Technical / Research Skill section I clear that each and every category has a different level such as college Level, Zonal Level, Status Level and National Level and if you win in any activity then you earn an extra 3 bonus point remembered I will not repeat this for every activity to save your and my time 

You have to only take part at the National level or Status level I strongly recommended the National level  

Every college Tech-Fest has lots of different activities like technical, sports, workshops, entertainment, etc 

If Participate in National Level

If you Participate in National Level Tech-Fest then you should take part in below 4 or 5 categories which help you to earn a point and also improve your skill also 

Note: I will consider minimum as possible so you never miss activity point limits so that I’m not considering 3 winning points / 3 extra bonus point

  1. Tech-Fest category related to you branch by which you gain 12 point
  2. Technical Quiz category related to you branch by which you gain 12 point
  3. Group Discussion category related to you branch by which you gain 12 point
  4. Paper or Poster Presentation category related to your branch by which you gain 12 point
  5. Training / Internship /Professional Certification by which you gain 12 points for this you have to talk with the relative builder and ask them to provide training certificate/Latter mostly (Generally in from college friend group someone belong for Builder background)
  6. Same as Training section you talk with your relative builder Industrial/Exhibition Visit with a report

Above 6 categories select your favourite 4 or 5 and you earn 50 points easily

If Participate in Status Level

  1. Tech-Fest category related to your branch by which you gain 12 point
  2. Technical Quiz category related to your branch by which you gain 12 point
  3. Group Discussion category related to your branch by which you gain 12 point
  4. Paper or Poster Presentation category related to your branch by which you gain 12 point
  5. Student skill development For this you can participate in status level college tech-fest or Also join the free Government Indian Startup program
  6. Training / Internship /Professional Certification by which you gain 12 points for this you have to talk with the relative builder and ask them to provide training certificate/Latter mostly (Generally in from college friend group someone belong for Builder background)
  7. Same as Training section you talk with your relative builder Industrial/Exhibition Visit with the report

If you participated in status level Tech-Fest then you need to participate in 6 category 

Now you earn 58 gtu activity points

#3 Sports and Cultural

I earn only 12 points from this Sports and Cultural section

#3 Sports And Cultural
Sports and Cultural

Who doesn’t want to take part in cultural activity and have fun

In this, you will take part and earn 6 points but I consider 3 because someone doesn’t want to take part 

Now you earn 61 gtu activity points pdf

#4 Community Outreach and Social Initiatives

I earn more than 60 points from this Community outreach and social initiatives section

#4 Community Outreach And Social Initiatives
Community Outreach and Social Initiatives

Every college celebrates one week for nation activity to provide their contribution to the nation and help other

It’s only less than one-hour activity based on college so have fun in this activity and contribute to your nation and earn a minimum of 6 to 12 here I consider 6 only for minimum

If you like to work for the nation then you can also join the NSS program and also earn 15 points and also other certificates and prices also based on your contribution but we do not consider them in our list 

Now you earn 67 gtu activity points

#5 Innovation / IPR / Entrepreneurship

This is the golden section for earning points I surely said that I never saw anybody who earns more points from this section but in Leadership / Management I earn 135+ points from this section but the maximum limit is 50 activity points. isn’t it interesting?

Innovation / Ipr / Entrepreneurship
Innovation / IPR / Entrepreneurship

During your college time, you have to successfully pass your Design Engineering subject (DE subject) in 2nd and 3rd year means you have to make a complete report, project 4 time and after successful completion, you have to generate a certificate

Also Read: AEIOU Canvas

So here is Secrets Strategies Formula’s add that certificate which provided by Gujarat Technological University 

You add those certificates in the Completed Prototype Development section in the Innovation / IPR / Entrepreneurship category so for each certificate you earn 20 points and in your college time you work 2ns and 3rd year means 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th semester for a design engineering project in which you create different engineering canvas sheet also so you gain 4 certificate 

In the final year, you have a final year Project subject in which you have to work on your project during 7 semesters and 8 semesters also add this certificate in the Completed Prototype Development section in Innovation / IPR / Entrepreneurship category

You can also work for others but I only explain an only easy way to earn gtu 100 activity points

So you earn 120 points but the maximum limit is 50 so at the end of this section you will earn 117 point

#6 Leadership / Management

I earn 35 points from this section

Leadership / Management
Leadership / Management

Now you earn more than 100 activity points but I suppose someone not reached that goal but you have the ability and management skills than be a coordinator in your college techfest which help you to gain leadership skills, management skills, business ideas, how to deal with people and many more

So now you earn 127 points

And also you feel proud in your college group to be part of the management system and earn a minimum of 10 to 15 points as per your position in the tech fest 

Where you can Get an Extra Certificate 

There are many ways to earn a certificate only but I explain some to give guidance because link change from time to time but guidance never turn into worthless

  1. Government Indian Startup program
  2. Google digital garage link
  3. MyGov Quiz
  • All Online course certificate is not applicable in GTU 100 activities Point so once you talk with your college faculty but I recommended to add all certificate but only valuable certificate only
  • All certificates must be submitted before 100 activity points the last date in GTU site 100 activity and should follow 100 activity points guidelines which we suggest you and also GTU prefer

If you want more then please tell us in comment or telegram or Instagram but I think more is not necessary 

FAQ1: What is 100 Points Activity?

Gujarat Technological University (GTU) is the first university who introduce such a system in India Under this System student should earn minimum of 100 points under different curricular activity and Activity must be from GTU prescribed activity point by GTU


FAQ2: Importance of GTU 100 Activity Points?

This 100 points activity is being a part of academic activity but it has similar potential as syllabus learning because college syllabus help to gain marks in exam but this hundred point activity help you to improve your skill, problem-solving ability, thinking power, management skill etc. Industry-related skill such as teamwork, leadership qualities, observe the world and provide a unique innovative solution to improve technology with an environment which triggers your skill and ability to be a successful engineer or also help in achieving an excellent job offer Hence, GTU has created this 100 activity points gtu / 100 point activity mechanism in order to prepare the students to match this multi-skill requirement


FAQ3: Minimum Point Requirement

1. If GTU student is regular type means for 1st-year regular college students should earn minimum GTU 100 activity points during their total 4 academic years 2. If GTU student is D2D type means for 2nd year/3rd Semester College admission students should earn a minimum of 75 activity points during their total 3 academic years 3. If GTU student is transferring their college means 3rd year admission type means for 3rd year/5th Semester College students should earn minimum of 50 activity points during their total 2 academic years


FAQ4: How you can Achieve 100 Points During the 1st Year?

You can earn 100 activity point by earning a certificate from different works You have to keep this above table in your mind which represent 100 activity point rules/ 100 activity points guidelines when you create a gtu 100 point activity list by which you can fulfil your activity point because for example if you earn more than 50 like 70 points from Technical / Research Skill then it’s only considering 50 points only so your 20 activity point is waist


Author Aakash Dudhat

It is my pleasure to welcome you to, a website created and managed by Dudhat Aakash. In addition to having a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering

3 thoughts on “How To Earn GTU 100 Activity Points Just In 1 Semester”

  1. After reading this 100 activity points guide I feel confident that I also earn gtu 100 activity important points by doing activity join techfest and which category I should to take first for fast points earning.

    • Yes, By joining NCC you get NCC certificate and get points for 100 Activity Point under NCC & Social welfare. You will get maximum 15 point (for 1 year activity) per certificate and minimum 3 point (if 2 day activity).


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