Difference Between Ultimate Ultra Cement & Ultimate Cement of Birla | MP Birla Cement

Birla Cement

Selecting Type of Cement and Best Cement Company is an extremely tough decision and as construction technology develops one more confusion added to this list which is the Category of Cement from the type of cement also from same cement companies.

As per Civil Experience reader’s request of Difference Between Ultimate Ultra Cement & Ultimate Cement of Birla so today we explain about MP Birla Cement. If you have any questions then put them in the comment so the Civil Experience – Civil Engineering Blog also provides solutions for your problem.

Types of Birla Cement

    Birla Corporation Limited (BCL) is the flagship company of the M.P. Birla Group. Incorporated as Birla Jute Manufacturing Company Limited in 1919, it was Late Shri Madhav Prasad Birla who took the Company to new heights. As the Chairman of the Company, he transformed it from a jute manufacturing company to a leading multi-product corporation with widespread activities.

    Overview of Birla Group Company

    The M. P. Birla Group is an Indian industrial group named after Birla cement owner Madhav Prasad Birla. It has business interests in cement, cables, jute goods, and guar gum. Birla Corporation is the flagship company of the group.

    MP Birla Cement Ultimate

    Birla Cement Ultimate | Mp Birla Cement Ultimate

    Birla Cement Ultimate (Ultimate Cement of Birla) is a premium cement brand of Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) (IS-1489) that is rich in clinker, fly ash, and gypsum.

    Twice refined, the product is resistant to corrosion and contains low amounts of alkali. Controlled Particle Size Distribution (CPSD) technology ensures that the grains of cement are neither too coarse nor too fine, thereby guaranteeing structural durability and leak proof construction.

    Benefits of Birla Cement Ultimate

    Cement has a variety of benefits according to the types of cement of Birla Cement. Here in civil experience, we going to explain Birla Cement Ultimate‘s detailed guide. Difference Between Ultimate Ultra Cement & Ultimate Cement of Birla so you can easily take a decision to buy cement for the new luxury house after finding the top best construction company.

    MP Birla Cement Ultimate:-

    • Eco Friendly
    • Improved Workability
    • Tamper-Proof Packing
    • Anti-corrosion
    • Low Alkali Cement
    • Unmatched Strength
    • Minimum heat of hydration

    Eco Friendly

    Tamper-proof packing which improves prevents leakage of cement which helps in keeping the environment pollution-free.

    Improved Workability

    The inherent property of Pozzolana Portland Cement type of cement produces of Birla cement low-pore volume concrete and its higher Blaine value ensures improved workability.

    Tamper-Proof Packing

    Superior laminated packing ensures the bags are tamper-proof while weather-proof packing prevents clogging.


    The diffusion of chloride ions is relatively lower, minimizing the corrosion of steel inside concrete.

    Low Alkali Cement

    A low alkali-ion diffusion rate slows down harmful reactions.

    Unmatched Strength

    The enhanced deflocculated ultra-fine particles of cement by using ‘Hyper Active Additive’ results in formation of additional binding materials (C-S-H Gel) which helps to increase the inter-bonding between the particles and as a results ‘DENSE CONCRETE MATRIX’ is formed. The additional C-S-H gel in ULTIMATE reaches up to almost 100% giving a strong concrete matrix with a strong transition zone bond thus resulting in strong & durable concrete.

    Minimum heat of hydration

    Low heat of hydration enables structures to avoid shrinkage cracks.

    Total Concrete Performance:

    Controlled Particle Size Distribution enables a segregation-free cohesive mix with a smoother finish.

    MP Birla Cement Ultimate Ultra

    Birla Cement Ultimate Ultra | Mp Birla Cement Ultimate Ultra

    Benefits of Birla Cement Ultimate Ultra

    MP Birla Cement Ultimate Ultra:-

    • Power of Fly Ash
    • Power of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
    • A Perfect Blend of Fly Ash and Slag

    Power of Fly Ash

    MP Birla Cement Ultimate Ultra is characterized by an outstanding fineness of particles. It resists alkali-aggregate reactions and increases the decay-resistance capacity of the construction. The presence of silica (SiO2) helps in converting the free-leached Ca(OH)2 into hydrated Calcium Silicate Gel, thereby increasing the Refractive Index of the cement. The fly ash provides the cement with higher initial strength, as well as a late-in-life fortification. It decreases the ‘Heat of Hydration’ in concrete, and resists post-construction shrinkage cracks.

    Power of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

    The presence of Calcium Oxide (CaO) and Alumina makes the fine particles stick to one another. This process helps to boost the impermeability of concrete, thereby providing better pore refinement. Its optimum ratio of Silica and Alumina makes for perfect cohesiveness, resulting in the formation of dense concrete.

    A Perfect Blend of Fly Ash and Slag

    Empowered by state-of-the-art technology and ratified by the IS 16415-2015 guidelines, Ultimate Ultra unites slag and silica in order to increase the workability of concrete and provide better slump retention. The blend makes the cement more Sulphate-resistant and ensures protection against adverse natural conditions.

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    FAQ 1: Overview of Birla Group Company

    The M. P. Birla Group is an Indian industrial group named after Birla cement owner Madhav Prasad Birla. It has business interests in cement, cables, jute goods, and guar gum. Birla Corporation is the flagship company of the group. 

    FAQ 2: Difference Between Ultimate Ultra Cement and Ultimate Cement of Birla 

    MP Birla Cement Ultimate:-

    • Eco Friendly
    • Improved Workability
    • Tamper-Proof Packing
    • Anti-corrosion
    • Low Alkali Cement
    • Unmatched Strength
    • Minimum heat of hydration

    MP Birla Cement Ultimate Ultra:-

    • Power of Fly Ash
    • Power of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
    • A Perfect Blend of Fly Ash and Slag

    Civil Experience
    Author Aakash Dudhat

    It is my pleasure to welcome you to civilexperiences.com, a website created and managed by Dudhat Aakash. In addition to having a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering

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