Change in The Rules of 100 Activity Points in GTU Due to Covid-19

Submission for change in the rules of Activity Points in GTU due to coronavirus Covid-19

Rules of 100 Activity Points

GTU (Gujarat Technological University) students of every engineering field must complete 100 activity points during their college time to earn a Final Degree this rule introduces in 2015.

Due to coronavirus schools and college are closed and online education class fulfil valuable semester syllabus but what about College Tech Fest which considers in 100 activity point and plays a vital role for 50 points

For more detailed information please read the below article to know all about Hundred Activity Points in GTU

If these Technical / Research Skill section points are not included in the total point, it becomes hard to achieve 100 activity points. I am sure you agree with me?

Request for Change The Rules of Activity Points

Due to Coronvirus Colleges are taking online classes but TECH FEST for Degree or Diploma students are not organised for safety purpose 

NHUI’s Janil Parmar has submitted a written representation to the Chancellor that most of Gtu’s engineering colleges could not organize activities including Tech Fest.

So that GTU should take an eye on this major problem and introduce some solution for the 100 Activity Points rule and regulation

Be with us we will be updated if any circular realised by GTU about this so join us and share with your group

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We will provide some platform from which you can earn or download a certificate so be updated

Author Aakash Dudhat

It is my pleasure to welcome you to, a website created and managed by Dudhat Aakash. In addition to having a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering

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