Chain Survey
Chain survey surveying is a very old method of Surveying. This article includes the definition of chain survey along with all detailed information with necessary images about various aspects of chain surveying.
What do You Mean by Chaining
The chain survey is the simplest method of surveying.
In the chain survey in civil engineering, only measurements are taken in the field of work or construction site or building, and then the rest work of calculation, such as plotting calculation, etc. is done in the office.
In the Chain survey, only linear measurements are made i.e. no angular measurements are made. This is most suitably adapted to small plane areas with very few details. If carefully done, it gives quite accurate results.
Equipment Required in Chain Survey
The necessary requirements of Equipment to do fieldwork are listed below in the Civil Experience Civil Engineering Blog
- Chain
- Tape
- Ranging-Rod
- Arrows
- Cross staff
Suitability of Chain Survey
A chain survey is generally suitable in the following cases:
- When the area to be surveyed is comparatively small
- When the ground is fairly level means no uneven
- When the survey area is open and
- When Details to be filled up are simple and less.
Survey Station
Survey stations are of two kinds
Main Stations
- Subsidiary or tie
- Main Stations
Main stations in Chain Survey are the end of the lines, which command the boundaries of the survey, and the lines joining the main stations recalled the main survey line or the chain lines.
Subsidiary or the tie stations
Subsidiary or the tie stations are the points selected on the main survey lines, where it is necessary to locate the interior detail such as fences, hedges, buildings, etc.
Procedure in Chain Survey
- Reconnaissance: The preliminary inspection of the area to be surveyed is called reconnaissance. The surveyor inspects the area to be surveyed, surveyor prepares an index sketch or key plan.
- Marking Station: The surveyor fixes up the required no stations at places from where the maximum possible stations are possible.
- Some of the methods used for marking are:
- Fixing ranging poles
- Driving pegs
- Marking across if the ground is hard
- Digging and fixing a stone.
- Then he selects the way for passing the mainline, which should be as horizontal and clean as possible and should pass approximately through the centre of work.
- Then ranging roads are fixed on the stations.
- After fixing the stations, chaining could be started.
- Make ranging wherever necessary.
- Measure the change and offset.
- Enter the field of the book.