Big Mistakes on Slab Construction

In this civil experience article, we will guide you on some common mistakes on the construction site with a live real site example.

Laying a concrete slab is one of the most important steps in building a house, but it can be very dangerous and costly if you don’t do it correctly.

If you are planning to build your own home, or even remodel an old house, then you should know what mistakes people make when laying a new concrete slab.

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Big Mistakes in Slab Construction

Big Mistakes In Slab Construction | Slab Construction

Slabs are the most common type of construction element used for building construction, and they can be constructed with either poured concrete by creating a mix design of concrete or precast concrete blocks.

The construction process is much more complicated than you might think. This civil experience article will explain some of the command mistakes that construction contractors/engineers make during the building erection process.

Lapping Length Mistake

Here in the above image, you can see the steel reinforcement bar placement on the slab design.

This is the middle of the slab lip site engineer/labor/contractor provided.

The middle of slab part is not the place to provide lapping joints of the reinforcement bar so don't provide leaping length at the mid of the slab.

Why lapping not provided in the middle of the slab?

Lapping is not provided in the middle of the slab because here we have the positive bending moment which is maximum.

Therefore middle of the construction slab is not the place to provide lapping length in the construction of the slab.

As you can see this is a cantilever slab archangel.

They used a 12 mm die of steel rod for main bars and distribution bars whose spacing is 150 mm or 6 inches.

They already placed concrete blocks which is up to 1.5 inches from 25mm to 1 from 25 to 40 mm which is 1 to 1.5 inches.

Minimum concrete cover is very important in the construction of the RCC slab so must read the article.

The span between columns is 18 by 22 feet. you can see the lapping length.

The leaping you can provide especially at the junction is after 1/4 distance but not at the middle or not in l by four but after l by four means at the distance of l by five guys you can see this is the place for ventilation.

The leaping they provided up to 2.5 feet This is the span between these two columns so this is the made of this slab and they provided a laying length so this is one of the big mistakes.

Therefore I'm telling you if you are working on construction sites so don't provide.

This pen is up to 24 feet but they did not provide extra steel rods so here extra steel rods are very important to provide to the distance of l by 4 where it can resist negative bending moment also in the construction of the slave you can provide crank bar or bent up bar at the distance of l/4.

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Civil Experience
Author Aakash Dudhat

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