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    Surveying (2130601 Papers) Subject Info

    Subject Name Surveying
    Subject Code 2130601
    Subject Credits 5
    Year 2nd year (3rd Semester) Subject
    Exam Date 04 June 2019

    Surveying (2130601 Papers) Exam Paper



    Subject Code: 2130601

    Subject Name: Surveying

    Date: 04/06/2019

    Instructions for Surveying 2nd year (3rd Semester) GTU exam:

    1. Attempt all questions.
    2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
    3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

    If you want to read any answers then click on the given link on the question text so that you get detailed answers from the Civil Experience civil engineering blog.

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    Exam Questions for Surveying Marks
    Q1 a State the principle of plane tabling. 03
    b Which are the methods of plane tabling? Explain any two in detail. 04
    c ABCD is a closed traverse in which the bearing of DA has not been observed.
    The rest of the field record is as follows: Find the bearing of line DA
    Abcd Is A Closed Traverse In Which The Bearing Of Da Has Not Been Observed.≪Br≫The Rest Of The Field Record Is As Follows: Find The Bearing Of Line Da
    Q2 a Enumerate the method to find RL of the instrument axis when the base of the object is accessible. 03
    b Which are the methods of measuring horizontal angles? Briefly describe the repetition method. 04
    c Explain the temporary adjustments of a theodolite.


    Which are the methods of traversing? Explain fast angle method and loose needle method in detail

    Q3 a What is basic principle of trigonometric levelling and the difference between plane and geodetic methods? 03
    b A theodolite was set up at a distance of 140 m from tower. The angle of elevation to the top of the parapet was 11°8′ while the angle of depression to the foot of the wall was 2°12′. The staff reading on the BM of RL 60.25 with telescope horizontal was 0.880. Find the height of the tower and the RL of the top of the parapet 04
    c Derive the expression for computing horizontal distance and elevation in trigonometric levelling while base of the object is inaccessible and instrument stations are in same vertical plane with the elevated object for the instrument axes at (i) the same level and (ii) different levels. 07


    Q3 a Explain the horizontal curve. 03
    b Two straights intersect at chainage 3000 m and the angle of intersection is 120°. If the radius of the simple curve to be introduced is 600 m, find the following:
    (I) Tangent distance
    (ii) Chainage of the point of commencement
    (iii) Length of the long chord
    c Draw the sketch explaining elements of a simple circular curve. Define: Point of intersection, angle of deflection, point of curvature, tangent distance, long chord, mid ordinate, an external distance 07
    Q4 a What is a transition curve? State the requirements of a transition curve. 03
    b How would you find out whether the vertical curve will have convexity upwards or downwards if the gradients on the two sides of the apex are given? 04
    c The following offsets were taken at 10 m intervals from a survey line to an irregular boundary line.
    calculate the area enclosed between the survey line, the irregular boundary line and the first and last offsets by
    (i) The trapezoidal Rule
    (ii) Simpson’s Rule


    Q4 a The area of the irregular figure was measured with a planimeter having the anchor point outside the figure. The initial and final readings were 5.835 and 9.354 m respectively. The zero marks of the dial didn’t passed the index mark during the measurement. The tracing arm was get to the natural scale ( M = 100 square cm). The scale of the map was 1 cm = 10 m. Find the area of the figure 03
    b Which are the methods of measurement of the area by offset from baseline? Explain mid ordinate and average ordinate rules. 04
    c Find the area of the closed traverse having the following data, by the coordinate method.
    Find The Area Of The Closed Traverse Having The Following Data
    Q5 a The area enclosed by the contours in a reservoir are as follows:
    The topwater level is 195 m and the lowest point in the reservoir is 175 m. Find the volume of water ( reservoir capacity) between the contours 175 m and 195 m by
    (I) The trapezoidal formula and
    (ii) The prismoidal formula
    Be Exam Papers Of Surveying Summer 2019 [Download] | Surveying Gtu Exam Papers 2130601 Pdf 2019 | 2130601 Gtu Paper Pdf Download Be Civil
    b Explain the method of finding volume by prismoidal formula 04
    c What is planimeter? Explain the components and use of it 07


    Q5 a Describe horizontal control in Hydrography 03
    b Which are the instruments used for taking soundings? Explain Shore signals and buoys in detail 04
    c Write a short note on setting out a building 07

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    Civil Experience
    Author Aakash Dudhat

    It is my pleasure to welcome you to, a website created and managed by Dudhat Aakash. In addition to having a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering

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