GWSSB Exam Paper Solution 2021 [Part 9]

GWSSB Exam Paper Solution 2021 [Part 9]

GWSSB full form is Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board (GWSSB)

Civil Experience going to share GWSSB paper solution 2021 so read all parts for complete GWSSB Exam Paper Solution 2021

Gwssb Exam Paper Solution 2021

Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?

  1. Tamil Nadu – Puthandu
  2. Andhra Pradesh – Ugadi
  3. Kerala – Vishu
  4. Vaisakhi – Sikhs

ANSWER= [A] Dampness
Explain:- Correct answer for the question Which of the following pairs are correctly matched is [A] Dampness

Correctly match the eras with their respective year of beginning:

Eras Year of Beginning
1. Vikrama Era a. 78 A.D.
2. Saka Era b. 58 B.C
3. Kalchuri Era c. 248 A.D
4. Harsha Era d. 606 A.D

ANSWER= [D] 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d
Explain:- Correct answer for the question Correctly match the eras with their respective year of beginning: is [D] 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d

The tradition of ‘Namaste’ is derived form Sanskrit and is a combination of the word ‘namah’ and ‘te’-the word ‘namah’ means____

ANSWER= [A] Reverential Salutation
Explain:- Correct answer for the question The tradition of ‘Namaste’ is derived form Sanskrit and is a combination of the word ‘namah’ and ‘te’-the word ‘namah’ means Reverential Salutation

The Khambhalida Buddhist caves are situated at______

ANSWER= [C] Rajkot
Explain:- Correct answer for the question The Khambhalida Buddhist caves are situated at Rajkot

Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding to history of Indian rock-cut architecture?

  1. The caves at Badami are the oldest surviving rock-cut caves in India
  2. The Barabar rock – cut caves were originally made for Ajvikas by the emperor Chandragupta Maurya
  3. At Ellora, caves were made for different faiths

ANSWER= [C] 3 only
Explain:- Correct answer for the question Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding to history of Indian rock-cut architecture is At Ellora, caves were made for different faiths.

Which of the following statements is/are correct Harappan seals?

  1. The script used in seals is Prakrit
  2. The script was written form right to left
  3. The seals were used as amules for spiritual purposes.

ANSWER= [B] 2 and 3 only

In the Indian classical music, ragas are

ANSWER= [D] All of the above
Explain:- Correct answer for the question In the Indian classical music, ragas are [D] All of the above

Which of the following statements is /are correct regarding festival Diwali?

ANSWER= [D] Neither (a) nor (b)
Explain:- Correct answer for the question Which of the following statements is /are correct regarding festival Diwali is [D] Neither (a) nor (b)

Ferguson Museum in Bhuj was established during the time of _____

ANSWER= [A] Khengarji III
Explain:- Correct answer for the question Ferguson Museum in Bhuj was established during the time of Khengarji III

Which of the following statements are correct regarding Kahjuraho School of architecture?

1. This school is also known as Chandela school of architecture 2. Panchyatana Style of temple making was followed in this school 3. The temple walls were devoid of any carvings

ANSWER= [C] 1 and 2 only
Explain:- Correct answer for the question Which of the following statements are correct regarding Kahjuraho School of architecture is [C] 1 and 2 only

GWSSB Exam Paper Solution 2021 [Part 8]

GWSSB Exam Paper Solution 2021 [Part 10]

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Civil Experience
Author Aakash Dudhat

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