Geology + Hydrology MCQs Test Series Part 4
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What is the height of the fluid ralse (h), when the capillary with the diameter (d) is dipped in the fluid having a density (ρ) and surface tention (σ)?
ANSWER= [A] h = 4σcosθ/ρgd
The pressure intensity at a point in a fluid is given 3.925 N/cm2. Find the corresponding height of the fluid when the fluid has specific gravity 1.
ANSWER = [C] 4m
Velocity potential function exist only when
ANSWER = [C] flow is irritational
Three pipes of lengths 800m, 600m and 400m and of diameter 500 mm, 400 mm, and 300mm respectively are connected in series. These pipes are to be replaced by a single pipe of length. Find the diameter of the single pipe.
ANSWER= [B] 371.8 mm
The shear strength of plastic undrained clay depends upon
ANSWER = [B] Cohesion
The method of slices for the stability slope
ANSWER = [D] All the above
According to FAA guidekines the runway length is to be increased at a rate of 20% for
ANSWER = [A] One present of effective gradient
The best direction of runway is
ANSWER = [A] Along the direction of the longest line on the windrose diagram