The ratio of total elongation of a bar
The ratio of total elongation of a bar of uniform cross-section produced under its own weight to the elongation produced by an external load equal to weight of the bar, would be
The ratio of total elongation of a bar of uniform cross-section produced under its own weight to the elongation produced by an external load equal to weight of the bar, would be
Example of isotropic material is
[A] wood
[B] fibre-reinforced plastic
[C] reinforced concrete
[D] All of the above
When a compression member fails at buckling load, the failure of the member is caused due to …
[A] bearing and elongation
For pipes arranged in series below option is True
[A] Head loss must be same in all pipes
[B] Velocity must be same
Full form of UVL
[A] Uniformaly Varsetile load
[B] Uniformaly Varying load
[C] Uniformaly Vertical load
[D] Uniformaly distributed load
The phenomenon when the sand losses its shear strength due to oscillatory motion in saturated condition is known as _________ ?
[A] Quick sand
[B] Plastic Sand
[C] Soil Liquefaction
[D] All the above