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Building Construction GTU Exam Paper Summer 2019
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Building Construction (2130607) Previous Question Paper Year Wise
All list of Building Construction (2130607) Previous Question Paper Year Wise with exam dates
Building Construction (2130607) Previous Question Paper Year Wise |
Building Construction (2130607) Paper – 08/03/2021 |
Building Construction (2130607) Paper – 7/12/2019 |
Building Construction (2130607) Paper – 15/06/2019 |
Building Construction (2130607) Paper – 14/12/2018 |
Building Construction 2130607 Paper – 13/06/2017 |
Building Construction (2130607) Paper – 11/01/2017 |
Building Construction (2130607) Paper – 27/05/2016 |
Building Construction (2130607) Paper – 18/12/2015 |
Building Construction (2130607) Paper – 18-12-2014 |
Building Construction (2130607) Papers Subject Info
Subject Name | Building Construction |
Subject Code | 2130607 |
Subject Credits | 5 |
Year | 2nd 2021 (3rd Semester) Subject |
Exam Date | 14 December 2018 |
Building Construction (2130607) Papers Online
Time: 02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM – Total Marks: 70
- Attempt all questions.
- Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
- Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.2 | a | What do you understand by raft foundation? When can it be preferred? | 03 |
b | What type of defect may appear in painting work? Explain in brief. | 04 | |
c |
What can be the failures in foundation? Give suggestion to overcome these or Enlist various methods of sub surface investigation. Explain any two in brief with neat and clean sketches. |
07 |
Q.3 | a | Compare brick masonry with stone masonry. | 03 |
b | Explain water cement ratio and workability of concrete. | 04 | |
c | Describe the methodology of cavity wall construction. | 07 |
Q.3 | a | Draw a detailed sketch of Dutch bond. | 03 |
b | Differentiate precast concrete with the cast in situ concrete. | 04 | |
c | Describe various brick arches with neat and clean sketches. | 07 |
Q.4 | a | Draw neat sketch of open newel half turn stair with quarter space landing. | 03 |
b | Define: 1) Nosing 2) Staircase 3) Transom 4) Style | 04 | |
c | Give a brief classification of doors. Explain any two with neat and clean sketch. |
07 |
Q.4 | a | Draw a detailed sketch of bay window. | 03 |
b | Explain any four types of hinges used for doors, windows and ventilators. | 04 | |
c | Discuss the requirement of good stairs. | 07 |
Q.5 | a | What is scaffolding? Explain any two types of scaffolding. | 03 |
b | Explain various causes of dampness in a residential building | 04 | |
c | Explain the procedure of constructing terrazzo and timber flooring. | 07 |
Q.5 | a | Write down the principles of green buildings and discuss their concept. | 03 |
b | Enlist and explain various types of fire hazards. | 04 | |
c | Explain king post truss and queen post truss with neat and clean sketches. | 07 |
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